3D rendering
As per Wikipedia, 3D rendering is defined as the 3D computer graphics process of automatically converting 3D wire frame models into 2D images with 3D photorealistic effects on a computer. 3D rendering is a creative process but unlike photography the images and the scenes are not real and are created in the computer before they are converted into 3D. A 3D renderer is highly imaginative and has great power of visualization as the images and the various layouts have to be carefully thought out, visualized in great detail and then created.
Different Types of Rendering Methods
Some of the different types of rendering methods are non-realistic wireframe rendering through polygon-based rendering, ray tracing, scanline rendering used for real-time rendering or photo rendering. A 3D rendering is mainly used in the websites, interactive media, television and movies.
Most Preferred Tool for Architectural Designs
The most effective use of 3D renderings is in the field of architecture for creating beautiful and visual appealing 3D architectural designs. Currently, 3D rendering is the most preferred tool for the architects to make their designs look more appealing and life like. Designs of massive buildings and stand alone homes are being created using the 3D technology and this has become the most lucrative market for the 3D renderers and software developers.
3D Renderings Market
Architectural designs and presentation
Real Estate
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